We were there early but there was no need to sit twiddling thumbs. There was a multicultural festival running and food stalls lining the edge of the square near the river. Fantastic smells from everywhere...from Macedonia to Brazil, from Spanish to Ethiopian and everything else in between. Pity we'd already lunched. But it was fascinating. And after we'd walked the food aisle twice we sat and listened to music from Central America. Great beat, great costumes. There was also this great ?mandala? on the pavement...enormous and decorated completely in lentils and pulses and slices of carrot! Very striking.

Next day was my birthday and we went to the restaurant where my son works...Breizoz, a French creperie. There were 16 of us and we were in the chapel out the back. It's a great space and the food was fantastic. Lovely to have so many there too. I like birthdays.

My niece picked these flowers and set them in a water glass before presenting them to me. They were exactly the colour of the table cloth and very pretty. We photographed them then they sat next to my wine glass. Tricky, because I kept almost picking the flower glass to sip water...hmm. Particularly tricky when my brother checked the flowers and pronounced them hazardous! We returned them to the garden and sent the glass to the dishwasher.

Writingwise...not a fast week. Too many competing activities, appointments etc. But two poems were shortlisted in a local poetry competition, another was picked up by 'A Poem A Week' and will appear in the next few weeks. There's been a nibble on a manuscript but I'm not reeling in the line just yet. And my computer is giving off a strange smell but a check failed to pinpoint the source...so we just have to wait for it to fail. Sigh.
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