Sunday 30 August 2015


I was lucky enough to spend part of Book Week in Newcastle, arranged by Carol and Lynne of Newcastle Libraries. Carol collected me from the airport and showed me around town before dropping me at my apartment. My first priority was a walk by the river.

I think every ship coming in to this river (and out) is escorted by tugs.

This is the Nobbies, near where I learned to swim. No, not this trip, but when I was growing up here.  Ahem, a year or so ago!

This is the view from my apartment. Not long after, I met up with Belinda Murrell in the foyer and we walked up to join Newcastle CBCA for dinner. Lovely it was too. No time even for photographs ...

First bookstop, Wallsend Library and a room of G5s and 6s.

Last school group was smaller but full of great questions. In between, there were visits to other schools and libraries as part of Book Week. There were signs of bookish events everywhere. One girl had the remainder of some Book Parade freckles.

Final session was for adults, based around 'My Name is Lizzie Flynn'. Very deja vu, as I was presenting in the library that I visited very regularly as a child. I lived at the end of the same street. This session was organised and supported by Amanda of McLean's Books.

Newcastle has recently opened this Anzac Walk. It's fabulous.

The weather was okay too.
Then I flew home, arriving in Melbourne to temperatures half those of Newcastle, and to far less blue.
A great way to finish Book Week.

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