Sunday was the Melbourne launch of The Little Dinosaur, written by Catriona Hoy, illustrated by Andrew Plant, published by Working Title Press. This cake was made by one of Catriona's chemistry teacher mates. Wish they taught me how to do this in my chemistry classes!
The Little Dinosaur is based on a discovery at Dinosaur Cove and a particular bone. It was fitting then that the launch was held at the Science Centre at Monash University, where the bone now lives. And yes, it was available for viewing, as were several other partially-constructed dinosaur skeletons.
Catriona talked about how that bone became a story, and Andrew took us on a whirlwind tour of the Cretacaeous.
What a fabulous launch and stunning cake - so reminiscent of the model in the book! Thanks for sharing pics, Claire - just gorgeous. Catriona and Andrew have created a beautiful book.
It's a fab cake isn't it? And yes, it's definitely a gorgeous book.
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