Thursday, 3 January 2013

Maranoa Gardens

Rather than cram it into the pre-Christmas crowdedness, a few friends and I met today for our annual picnic. When 36 deg was forecast, we revised our meeting time earlier. 

We met at Maranoa Gardens in Balwyn, a lovely oasis in the midst of suburbia. 

It was delightful, and cool under the trees, although we enjoyed the bright day.
The only other people we saw were a couple rehearsing their wedding vows with their celebrant and - as we were leaving - park employee on the mowing tractor.

I'm recommending it to my family as the site for our next family picnic. It was also much easier to find a park than at the Botanic Gardens, our normal gathering spot.

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Alison Reynolds said...

I live just opposite there! You should have popped in for a drink.
It's never very busy. I have long waged a war with the keepers who have told me off for playing cricket, football, throwing a Frisbee. We have played chasey there a few times as they can't find a bylaw to ban that.
One day we saw what we thought was a wedding, but found out that it was a funeral. There are few there.
Hope you had a rug on the grass.

Claire said...

You could have joined us Alison! If I'd known. It's a lovely park, and the more so for being a surprise find (for me anyway)

I'll be back to have a walk around it too. It was too hot to walk too far in the sun yesterday. Wanna walk with me?